team plus editions
Team+ is a publishing house that specializes in expanding content for the Pathfinder Second Edition Table Top Roleplaying Game. We have three separate series of books that we write, the Classes+ series, the Omens+ series, and the Core+ series. Each of which focus on expanding different aspects of the game. We are the best selling authors on Pathfinder Infinite overall with Witches+ being our oldest and highest selling book. We have sold over 20,000 books total across our 12 book catalogue, and we see no end to our future as a publishing house.
We sell all of our content on Pathfinder Infinite.
Team+ always guarantees that every title has Pathbuilder2e and FoundryVTT support included with the original PDF, usually 1 to 2 months following the release of the book. Links can be found on the Table of Contents page in the sidebar of the individual products. You can find installation instructions for FoundryVTT here. We have committed to ensuring books remain at the highest quality post release, even doing remaster passes for older books without cost to original purchasers. We are committed to making your games better and resolving issues. We do consistent errata cycles for all of our products to ensure any issues or typos are resolved.
We hold ranked choice votes to determine next books for the Core+ and Classes+ series and host discussion for campaigning for our next book in our discord server. We typically include material that has been in the system for at least a year in the votes. These ranked choice votes are handled via a Google Form and then officially announced on the discord first, followed by our website and various social media platforms. We always abide by the results barring mitigating factors (such as an announced rework to a class that won a vote).
If you would like to write for Team+ or collaborate as a content creator, we ask that you fill out the Team+ Partnership Form.
Please fill out the previous mentioned form. Because of our success, magnitude, and financial ability to compensate authors, we get a lot of applicants to write for us. As a rule we do not collaborate with other authors on the Classes+ series, and reserve all other author collaboration with the Core+ and Omens+ lines. We generally expect that an author has at least 2 published writing credits, self-published or otherwise, to be considered for the Team+ author pools. However, we strongly encourage budding authors and homebrewers to get to work either on the Team+ discord server or the Infinite Possibilities Discord for support in getting your first writing credit.
We playtest all of our books extensively for at least 2 weeks, usually longer, with several games. We usually get 100% coverage on all content that goes into books, which ensures that every option has seen actual play before it goes into your hands. We have a dedicated Copy Editor and both co-founders have a long tenure of experience writing in the Pathfinder2e system, including with major publishers of the system. We also frequently listen to Fam+ when certain designs are called into question, adjusting in errata phases if it is deemed necessary to ensure that every table is given the same level of care.
Good question. Ultimately joining Fam+ is up to you. We strive to price our books as cheaply as possible while affording proper pay to the personnel involved. We do not use AI of any kind to create our books, as all art is exclusively created by Co-founder Derry Luttrell. We compensate ethically, often exceeding the pay rates of larger publishers in the industry. We work hard to ensure that every book has our heart and soul and brings the Team+ flavor.
Despite the reputation for offering suggested changes in the backs of our books, the changes suggested are often less than a page and are the result of consistent feedback from playtesters and the public at large with respect to certain material. Our goal is always to change as little as possible, and any suggested changes offered in a book are agnostically written to the rest of the content in the book (they are not necessary to be used to use the content in the rest of the book).
In short, if you ask us what we do, we would tell you “We create expansions for Pathfinder2e material.” and we believe that statement holds more truth to what it is that we do than “changing things”.
Team+ has vowed, perhaps foolishly, to remaster all books without cost to previous purchasers. That is to say, we will eventually remaster all the books when we can along our schedule. The following books have been remastered or were written and released after the remaster to be compatible:
The following books are not remastered, but are still backwards compatible with the remaster:
The following book is in need of remaster before usable:
An Ion is a Team+ design sub-system that we do for each of our Classes+ books. An Ion typically modifies a class by taking away a mechanic the class has and replacing it with another set of options. This is not that different from a subclass.
For example, the Inventor Ion is called an “Unconvention”, which swaps the Explode and Overdrive actions with two other actions that modify how the Inventor plays. These actions are designed in such a way that they are compatible with any existing feats or class features that use these two actions, allowing for a modular “plug-and-play” swap to create an inventor that feels more thematic to your goals (such as an electricity-based inventor instead of the fire-based mechanics of explode and overdrive).
They are called Ions for 3 reasons: