team plus editions
Team+’s MAY OF MADNESS continues! We’re here to hit you with a double whammy! First off, Pathfinder Infinite is having massive sales right now, with up to 40% off our books! And you know what we said?
20% ISN’T ENOUGH! Say hello to Bundle+ Paizocon ’24, which sells EVERY Team+ book so far for $50– and then even greater discounts if you already own any of our books! Plus, it comes with an exclusive poster for you to download, and maybe print off, to hell with it, I can’t control you!
On top of that, a greater beast awaits in its lair.
IT’S TIME TO START CAMPAIGNING FOR OUR NEXT CLASSES+ BOOK! Gentlefriends, on May 24th, the next Classes+ vote will begin. I have here a list of candidates; these classes give some ideas as to what we’re planning with them, and what you can expect from our next Classes+ vote. Start MEMEING! Start telling FRIENDS!
Rally your tables, bring them here to the server! Make the discord your BATTLEGROUND! FIGHTERS+ MUST BECOME REAL!
Remember, on May 25th, Safe Haven: A Weird West Tale launches! On top of that, we’ll have some brand new Patreon news that’s sure to tickle your green thumbs on the 24th, too. That’s it! Let the bloodfest BEGIN!