How To: Installing Pathbuilder2e Custom Packs

Each Team+ book comes with a “Virtual Tabletop Info” sidebar near the table of contents. There, you will find both Foundry and Pathbuilder2e links, or if they are not published, a Coming Soon! stand-in.

These addons are available with the PDF, but are released after its initial publication. They are added through an update, announced over on Discord or through Pathfinder Infinite. If you are waiting for a VTT version of your pack, check back on either portal frequently for updates!

A screen of the 4th page inside the PDF of a Team+ book indicating the URL to visit to download the Custom Pack for pathbuilder


Once added to the PDF, you will find the needed URLs under the appropriate headers. Click on the link under the Pathbuilder 2e header to be redirected to where the file can be downloaded from. For this example, we will be importing the remastered version of Clerics+, but any pathbuilder JSON will have the same steps.

Web page with a link that says "Get the JSON import file" in the center of the page, which is arrowed for download purposes.

Click on the link labeled “Get the JSON Import file” and follow the normal steps for your browser or device for downloading files. You will need to know where this file has been downloaded to in order to import it into Pathbuilder. Browsers tend to default to downloading to your Downloads folder, though some will instead default to bringing up a download popup window to allow you to select your own download destination. Mobile devices usually have a download folder as well, but the exact location can vary by operating system and specific model, so if you don’t know where that folder is located, a quick Google search should help you find that folder.

Pathbuilder Importing

The exact process by which you import differs based on if you are using the web version or the mobile version. As of writing this, Pathbuilder is, to the best of my knowledge, not on iOS yet, so I don’t know how the process may or may not work differently from Android.


Please note that importing JSONs requires a paid version of Pathbuilder 2e, and that you need a separate payment to upgrade the mobile app and the web version.

Android Importing

1) Click on the “App Options” button.

A screenshot of the pathbuilder2e screen with an arrow motioning to select "App Options" in the two buttons below Pathbuilder2e.

2) This will open a window with a number of available buttons. Click on the “Custom Packs” button.

A screenshot of the pathbuilder2e app screen highlighting the "Custom Packs" button

3) At the top of the “Custom Packs” window is an “Import Custom Pack” button. Click on that.

A screenshot of the pathbuilder2e app that motions to the Import Custom Packs button.

4) This should bring you to your downloads folder. If it doesn’t, or if you downloaded your JSON into a different folder, navigate to the folder that holds your JSON. Select that file, and you should see a window like the one below. Click on “CONTINUE” to import. This leaves you at the “Custom Packs” window. Import more files if you want to, and then close the opened windows by clicking the “Finished” button at their bottoms.

A screebshot of the continue screen after importing the custom pack that displays the contents inside the pack.

Web Importing

1) Click on the “Menu” button in the top left of the window.

A picture of the website version of pathbuilder2e with the indication to click the upper left corner "Menu" option

2) Once in the menu, click on the “Custom Pack” button.


3) This opens a new overlay window that contains every type of custom content supported by Pathbuilder. Once you have one or more files imported, you can use the headers at the top to navigate through all the different kinds of content you have imported. This is also the interface through which custom content and their importing JSONs are created, though that’s outside of the scope of this article.

To import an already created file, click on the “Import Custom Pack” button on the bottom of the overlay window.

4) Your browser should have opened a file upload popup window. This is the one from Firefox, though all browsers should have similar looking windows. Navigate to where you downloaded the JSON file to, and select that file. Press “Open” or hit enter on your keyboard to begin the process of importing the file to Pathbuilder.

5) Once the file has been uploaded, which should happen functionally instantaneously, you will have a second overlay window open. Pathbuilder has read the file, but has not yet added everything in case you imported the wrong file, made some other mistake, changed your mind, or otherwise wanted to cancel the import before it finishes. The window shows the name of the custom pack you are importing (which can be and often is different from the name of the file on your device) and how much of what kind of content the JSON holds. Hit the “Accept” button at the bottom to continue adding the custom pack.

A screebshot of the continue screen after importing the custom pack that displays the contents inside the pack.

6) Everything from the custom pack has been added, but not everything loads properly when added in the middle of using Pathbuilder this way. To ensure everything shows up and works properly, you need to refresh your window. Thankfully, Pathbuilder knows this and prompts you to refresh the page to complete the custom pack installation. Click “Accept” to refresh

A screen that says Alert! Custom pack successfully imported. You must refresh the page to complete the changes. Reload now? with the option to Accept or Cancel

And that’s it! Repeat this process with different files if you want to import multiple custom packs. If you get a newer version of a custom pack that you want to import, just re-import it. There’s no need to go through the process of removing the custom pack first. Pathbuilder is built in such a way that it knows whether two feats are actually the same feat or different feats with the same name, though exactly how it does so is outside of the scope of this article. If a feat is a version of one you have already imported, the new version will overwrite the old one, allowing you to incorporate errata (or theoretically go back to an older version) easily.

November 2024: Core+ vote is live! Content Creators and Authors follow the survey inside to get added to our collaborators list!

November 2024: Core+ Vote


The vote starts on Sunday, November 10th.

The vote ends on Sunday, November 17th.

It will be a ranked choice poll, held in the Team+ Discord Server.

The winning book will be released in August 2025.


NOTHING HERE IS FINAL. These are all pitches, and none have been tested yet, and they will undergo very strenuous testing before they’re published. You have the Team+ promise that everything we release will be finely, finely balanced.



Expansions to a selection of ancestries, as voted by you if it wins. Expect dozens of new ancestry feats and potentially a few ancestry-based archetypes based on a particular ancestry’s culture, like an archetype for orc warcasters or tengu sailors. 

  • A huge variety of perspectives, with each ancestry being written by a different author– everyone who writes an ancestry will be someone who loves that ancestry to pieces. You want more goloma content? We’ll find a writer expressly interested in playing more goloma. We’ll also set aside portions of the vote to make sure some popular ancestries get some love, and some really obscure ones get some too. 
  • Also featuring new versatile heritage, like mighty giantkin, whimsical siofra (touched by the first world) and expansions to the mixed heritage rules, with additional lore and rules to make common ones stand out. Let’s hear more about half-dwarves! What’s up with goblinspawn? Can we hear a little about the culture surrounding a leshyseed? Each will have “common” names like the above, and fantasy names derived from old languages, like “nori” for half-dwarves derived from the mythological poem, Vǫluspá.
  • The Dwimmer ancestry! A brand new ancestry for a spell that was given life. Maybe you were an illusion spell that somehow stuck around; maybe you were originally a fire spell to keep a pot boiling, but you’ve grown sapience and decided to leave your stove behind (or take it with you). Maybe you’re the lightning bolt that blasted through the twisted heart of an evil lich, and his magic congealed you, and now you’ve got a form of your own. They can look like anything from a strangely shiny person to an adorable, tiny personification of a spell to a being that’s vaguely humanoid but is obviously a magical effect. A team+ first!


An expansion to a number of Pathfinder Adventure Paths, as voted on by you if it wins. Advice on how Extinction Curse could be a grand tour of Kortos that keeps circusing it up throughout, revising Edgewatch to include Kobold Unions, statblocks for the other 31 teams of Ruby Phoenix and more.Additionally, Adventures+ will include a spoiler-free player book with new archetypes, new spells, new player options and backgrounds that directly link paths with particular plot-relevant NPCs that hook players directly into the story.

  • Extra bosses, enemies and quests, based on adventure paths but useable in any game. You might get anything from an additional final boss oft-requested for Gatewalkers with ways to tackle at different levels, you might go hand-to-hand with an avatar of a dread god in a campaign where its cultists are prominent like Abomination Vaults or Edgewatch, or hell, you might just find certain brand-new plot hooks based on a particular AP but useable in homebrew too. Battle against a clockwork castle and its mad king as you cut out a quest you didn’t love from Outlaws of Alkenstar, or pick up a side quest in Strength of Thousands where you must save your fellow students from a malevolent trickster spirit they accidentally unleashed. Plug and play for home games will be heavily emphasized!
  • Class options, class options, class options! We’ll ensure each AP gets a selection of class options so the whole party could feasibly take some. For example, Season of Ghosts might include a shrine maiden cleric, a ghostly seer psychic, a traveling sage animist or an insolent youth rogue. Each of these also comes with a mini-plot hook that ties into the AP itself, but can be used in any games at home. If you’re playing a dungeon crawl game, you’ll surely appreciate having a torchlighter fighter from Abomination Vaults or a treasure hunter ranger from Sky King’s Tomb. Each AP becomes more than just an AP, but a thematic goodybag of extra class options for all your class needs.


A continuation of Archetypes+, expanding on dozens more archetypes and adding brand new ones just as its predecessor did. Focused on giving new and shiny options to under-loved archetypes, as voted on by you if it wins!

  • Archetypes, archetypes, archetypes! Just a tonne of expanded archetypes to continue our job to expand all archetypes to level all the way to level 20 with Free Archetype rules. While the options will be voted on by you, Fam+, you might reasonably expect to see options like Wrestler or Mauler. We’ll even give you the option to add a “super vote” to a particular archetype, saying you, personally, really really REALLY want this one, giving it a chance to win even if it got low votes otherwise.
  • Brand new archetypes like the Student archetype, for pages of great knights or understudies of great wizards, allowing you to have a unique relationship with another PC and get great bonuses from them. Other pitches for ideas include a dragon slayer, or a dancer.
  • MORE! MYTHIC! DESTINIES! Play high goddamn level archetypes that allow you to shape the world, like the Biblophage, a guardian of forbidden knowledge who writes books with knowledge so rare they melt the minds of the less learned, or Trickster, for bringing unlimited, silly chaos to rain down on your– flamingos?! Where did these flamingos come from? Trickster, did you just turn all your enemies into flamingos?
  • We’ll aim to nearly double the existing amount of Mythic Destinies to give even more customization to your games with mythic rules (and, of course, to reward high level play in general). We may look at expanding the existing mythic destinies too!


Expand your dungeons with a tonne of new rules. New traps, new haunts, new monsters and new rules like expanded exploration rules or patrolling monsters. Also including the biggest new feature, the Dungeoneer class, a dweller of the underground who knows how to explore the depths greater than any other hero. The first Team+ original class.

  • Tony’s pitch for the class was that “Dungeoneer will be a class focused on battle field manipulation and engagement, mitigating downsides of the environment or enemies, and essentially spending rounds setting up a “dominion” for them to engage with. Almost like an inverse Commander, but instead of interacting with tactics, you’re interacting with area control and manipulation.”. Expect a juicy multiclass archetype a la Investigator that gets some (but not all!) of Dungeoneer’s sweet goodies.
  • Expanded alternatives to classic dungeon crawls, like hexploration rule expansions (what is a hexploration but a really, really big dungeon crawl on the surface?) or depthcrawling, a variant dungeon rule where there’s no map and the walls are always shifting. Outcomes are procedurally generated and you never, ever know what’s around the corner. We’ll even include rules with how to replace existing dungeon crawls with depthcrawls if you need a break, including ways to find plot important rooms before you leave the dungeon successfully.
  • When we say new monsters, people ask if we mean new individual monsters for existing creature types, new creature types in general, or templates. We respond with “¿Por qué no los tres?” Dungeons+ will include all of these options, and keep it vanilla+. Expect things that fit into the world of Golarion seamlessly– weird, but in the right way. Scary, but in a familiar manner. Absolutely awesome to fight against, regardless of your campaign.


Expand the paths of the undead ancestries in Book of the Dead and bring a tonne of new ones in. Expect variant vampires, expanded zombies, and new faces like dullahans, siabrae or graveknights.

  • Now including extra rules for non-undead options, like expanded fleshwarps, new options for the werewolf or living vessel archetype, lots of fun necromancy, and a new mortic ancestry for all your half-dead needs. 
  • GM facing rules like more scary monsters that’ll fit horror games specifically, like Star-Things that grimly assimilate and impersonate friendly NPCs to mount up the paranoia, or Statues-That-Sprint, statues that do terrifying damage, but won’t… so long as you keep looking at them.
  • Ways to really expand your horror adventures, like new haunts, phantasms (minor haunts meant to frighten and chip away at PCs rather than present combat, as presented in Malevolence), a stress system (free of ableist tropes but still good at portraying the creeping terror overcoming your pcs), and of course…
  • Horror Mode, a terrifying subsystem that gradually increases the chances of critical failure the longer you stay in it, and each critical failure bringing more bone-chilling problems to your doorstep. Inspired by Monte Cook’s Magnus Archives TTRPG and balanced to not derail combat. Scare your PCs in a way that most TTRPGs just can’t. Slowly turn up the pressure and make escape more and more impossible. Use terrifying creatures not just for combat that’ll wipe them out,  they can’t hope to overcome in battle alone. Nat 2s begin to count as Nat 1s, and if you roll either, Horror Mode’s counter increases. Then, Nat 3s count as Nat 1s too. Then Nat 4s. Will you get out of the situation before doom swallows you whole?!


A book all about home bases, whether it’s a castle you live in or the nation you rule. Rules for growing towns like Otari or Sandpoint as you continue to adventure there, events that can happen in your home or your nation, and everything from kingdom building to house building.

  • Alternate kingdom building rules, of course– but also, more granular variants, in case you want to focus on building a town, building a home, or even just building a room that you stay in. Varies in scale from colossal politics between countries that you rule in a Civ V-like titan you then get to explore to much smaller, cosier experience where you get a nice bonus for mounting the head of that dragon you killed on the wall.
  • Social systems! More drinking rules, rules for dancing, festivals and mini-games!
  • Want to run your own store? Kingdoms+ provides, and gives you ways to run whole campaigns around having a store and needing to go out adventuring to resupply it. We’re out of the special beans that we use to run our medieval coffee shop… we have to venture into the drakelands and hope the dragon doesn’t catch us!
  • It’s not like you guys want dating simulator rules to chart out relationships with multiple NPCs, and get rewards based on the NPC type and the nature of your relationship (like a rivalry with a shopkeeper, a friendship with a dragon, or a love affair with a widower!)… b-baka… 


A tonne of variant rules for magic, including alternatives to vanician casting, variant summoning rules and action-variant spells, like powered down fireballs for one action or powered up fireballs for three actions. Also, expect some new spells, magic items and similar treats.

  • A mysterious celebrity writer(!) on the book, creating a “non-Vancian system for casters to use existing spells all day long balanced by encounter tempo rather than daily resources”. Trust us when we say, this would be in the hands of a pro as far as creating this option goes. It’d also be able to be slotted into existing monsters and NPCs hassle-free, so no pressure on the GM to remake the game like you might with rules like Proficiency Without Level or True Names.
  • Action variant spells are confirmed to be guidelines for all spells, not a handpicked few, so you don’t have to worry about the big shiny spells getting all the love while your underused iconic spell is left in the dust.
  • Variant chassis for individual classes based on their spellcasting; a wizard’s spellcasting rules might be different to a sorcerer’s, an oracle’s to a cleric, a bard to a witch. Ways to make each spellcasting class feel totally unique in the way the even access the spells at their holding, varying the feel of each class dramatically.
  • In the words of Tony… “And you think kill vancian is all we’d do? Magic shall be bore down to its core and reconstructed in the image of ➕️”. Expect us to have dozens of more ideas and variants to squish and remake magic into something that fits your table, whether you’re looking for kineticist-like blasters or spheres of power style tracking sheets. 


Vote Now!

November 2024: Core+ Vote

November 2024: Core+ Vote

The vote starts on Sunday, November 10th.

The vote ends on Sunday, November 17th.

It will be a ranked choice poll, held in the Team+ Discord Server.

The winning book will be released in August 2025.



Expansions to a selection of ancestries, as voted by you if it wins. Expect dozens of new ancestry feats and potentially a few ancestry-based archetypes based on a particular ancestry’s culture, like an archetype for orc warcasters or tengu sailors. 


An expansion to a number of Pathfinder Adventure Paths, as voted on by you if it wins. Advice on how Extinction Curse could be a grand tour of Kortos that keeps circusing it up throughout, revising Edgewatch to include Kobold Unions, statblocks for the other 31 teams of Ruby Phoenix and more.Additionally, Adventures+ will include a spoiler-free player book with new archetypes, new spells, new player options and backgrounds that directly link paths with particular plot-relevant NPCs that hook players directly into the story.


A continuation of Archetypes+, expanding on dozens more archetypes and adding brand new ones just as its predecessor did. Focused on giving new and shiny options to under-loved archetypes, as voted on by you if it wins!


Expand your dungeons with a tonne of new rules. New traps, new haunts, new monsters and new rules like expanded exploration rules or patrolling monsters. Also including the biggest new feature, the Dungeoneer class, a dweller of the underground who knows how to explore the depths greater than any other hero with a focus on teamwork, exploration, and braving the perils with a confidence. The first Team+ original class.


A book all about home bases, whether it’s a castle you live in or the nation you rule. Rules for growing towns like Otari or Sandpoint as you continue to adventure there, events that can happen in your home or your nation, and everything from kingdom building to house building.


A tonne of variant rules for magic, including alternatives to vanician casting, variant summoning rules and action-variant spells, like powered down fireballs for one action or powered up fireballs for three actions. Also, expect some new spells, magic items and similar treats.


Expand the paths of the undead ancestries in Book of the Dead and bring a tonne of new ones in. Expect variant vampires, expanded zombies, and new faces like dullahans, siabrae or graveknights.

RAnthony Rants: Flexible Casting (lite) wouldn’t break the Wizard!

Flexible Casting-lite won’t break the Wizard

Raise the floor, not the roof!

First let’s identify what “Flexible Casting” is and why it’s a major improvement to some characters.

Mainly, it allows prepared casters to be, well, more flexible. The most obvious benefit of flexible casting being that you can choose a wide selection of spells without having to dictate exact spell slots.

That absolutely adds flexibility that is useful.

But the position I hold is that the power ceiling for a flexible caster with the same number of slots as a normal prepared caster is the sameIf a prepared caster prepares the right spell for the right slot, they have equal value to a flexible casters slots. A slots value itself isn’t determined by the type of caster, but the spell and moment in which it’s spent. 


We must however remember the larger benefit of the Flexible Caster archetype:

“Once you gain 2nd-level spells, you can heighten any spell in your spell collection to any level you can cast, similar to a spontaneous spellcaster’s signature spells. The only restriction is that you must select at least one 1st-level spell for your collection each time you prepare, ensuring that you can use all your spell slots each day.”


This aspect of flexible casting is extremely good. Being able to heighten any spell in your spell collection at any time means that you essentially have a growing pool of spell options of your top ranked spell each time you gain a new level of spells, topping out at 18 total spells potentially choosable at 20th level.

To be clear, in the case of “Flexible Casting would not grant much additional power”, it is with the absence of the above behavior.

Thus we must create a new definition for what is being discussed when we’re talking about disparity between flexible casting and normal prepared casting to argue “Giving a more flexible default casting setup to prepared casters would not increase power ceilings and general power levels”, especially and mostly with respect to Wizard (and possibly Witch, but less so for Cleric and Druid*).


New definition:

“When you prepare spells during your daily preparations, you must choose a spell for each slot at every rank you can cast. You choose an appropriate spell from the list of spells you know for each rank when choosing these spells, and can choose a spell to be prepared in a higher rank than its initial rank. You can cast any of the spells you chose for that rank of spells with the spell slots of that same rank.”


A 1st-level wizard would choose 2 spells and then would gain the spell of their selected curriculum. The wizard would have 2 spell slots that they could use to cast any of the three spells they have prepared, and 1 spell slot which they must still use to cast the spell of their curriculum (as normal for the rules curriculum spells). The wizard knows fear, command, grease, illusory object, and summon construct, and then two from their curriculum from the school of mentalism, choosing sleep and sure strike.

The wizard must then choose 2 spells normally, fear and command, and 1 spell from the curriculum, choosing sure strike. The wizard can now spend 2 of their normal spell slots to cast any of these three spells, and they can use their curriculum slot to cast sure strike (as normal).

If the wizard were to be 5th level and they wanted to cast fear as a 3rd-rank spell, they would need to prepare fear as a 3rd-rank spell to cast the spell with 3rd-rank spell slots, and if they wanted to cast fear as a 1st-rank spell and a 3rd-rank spell, they would need to prepare fear in both of the respective ranks to be able to cast those spells with that slot.


There is probably a more concise way to write the above, but I am trying to merely define a premise.


Assuming you understand the premise here, now you have evaluated how much more powerful the above is over the current prepared wizard.

It is inarguable that the absolute maximum efficacy that a prepared wizard can have, this option will always be closer to the ceiling. That is undeniable, and is a case to say that in some ways this raises the power budget of the wizard. For that reason, it is fair to say this would be a buff.

However, with that said, it’s about who the buff is for and whether the consequences of the buff actually create more diverse play and raise the skill floor (the lowest skill needed to play the class effectively), but it does not move the power ceiling (the maximum power that either mechanic is capable of).

I would argue that granting the above flexible casting to a wizard is a good idea. I believe that because the current structure heavily punishes “choosing wrong” on spell selection.

The definition of “choosing wrong” is to pick a spell that cannot be effectively used during your day.


While one could argue, yeah isn’t that the point? You’re supposed to think about how to wisely choose your spells so they are effective during the day.



However, the issue is that there are some spells that are so effective at every level of play that preparing them absolutely ensures that the spell slot will get value during an encounter, because they have what I will call “guaranteed value”. 

Essentially a spell, no matter the outcome in most cases, that will 9/10 be an absolutely great pick during an adventuring day. You do still have to set up your own opportunities to use it, but that’s ultimately what every character wants to do during the day. Some spells do not require you to find the right enemy, be in the right circumstances, or to even be lucky. Some spells are just really good because of what they provide in an encounter as an absolute baseline, and for that reason, “you can’t choose wrong” becomes a reality.

These are spells like fear, heal, slow, synesthesia, enlarge with the right ally, summon fey for a Satyr, heroism, wall of stone, wall of force, wall of thorns, wall of text, okay, okay, you get it.


So let’s discuss three different arcane casters with the “4 slot” setup. 

The Example


We have Cici the Sorcerer who has chosen the Imperial bloodline, she chooses to learn fear, sure strike, and then her bloodline spell is force barrage. She knows each of these spells are great and she can choose to cast any of them at a whim. 

We have Walton the Wizard who has chosen the school of mentalism and is using the traditionally prepared wizard setup. Walton decides he doesn’t want to risk “choosing wrong”, so he also prepares the curriculum spell of sure strike then force barrage, and fear in the remaining 2 slots. Walton knows that it is highly likely that he will get to use each of these spells in a meaningful moment at some point during the day. Walton knows other spells, but doesn’t want to risk preparing them without certainty he will encounter something of relevance, so he does not prepare them unless he succeeds at Recall Knowledge checks or otherwise gains information that would change his mind during preparation. He also knows that the maximum value he can gain from his selections he is likely to get, and because of that, he will have reached the “power ceiling” for his day. Bonded item also has maximum choice value because of his selection.

Lastly, we have Dex the flex wizard, who is also of the school of mentalism who decides to choose fear, illusory object, and their curriculum spell of sure strike. They decide to pick these three options because they feel comfortable having a fall back of force barrage and sure strike in the event that illusory object does not find a valuable use during the day. This allows them to lean into more narrative minded selections without the worry of “wasting” spell slots on spells that can be situational, or entirely narrative drive.

But let’s say Dex decides they want to beat the other casters in efficacy, so they instead maximize their daily value by picking the exact same spells as Cici and Walton, because after all, why not have the absolute perfect perfect spell at any given moment among the best spells for that level? So Dex picks force barrage, fear, and sure strike as well.

The question now becomes “Will Dex have a more efficient/powerful day than Walton just because Dex has a higher versatility to choose the right spell in the moment that is presented?”

And the answer to that is maybe, but also probably not.

Why? Because Walton prepared 3 spells that are all but guaranteed to get value during the adventuring day. In the event that a scenario isn’t presented to Walton where he would cast a spell in his favor, one cannot necessarily assume that his opportunity would have been any better with the other options Walton chose at his rank, because those spells were just as likely to have the exact same “guaranteed value” at the rank Walton chose as his first spell.

Similarly, Dex doesn’t inherently even know which spell is going to be the right spell for the encounter when all three of their spells could be a great choice in a given situation. Dex could also have imperfect knowledge of which spell is the correct spell in the situation presented. Even if we assume that Dex has Recalled Knowledge on the enemy to have their best save or worse save, they have already prepared spells that are always so useful. In order to “beat” Walton’s efficacy, Dex would need to not only choose the right spell for the exact right moment based on the selection Dex made with regard to Walton, they would need to have an opportunity where a spent slot was the right slot to have in that moment (without needing Drain Bonded Item). 

But even if that scenario were to arise, is it fair to assume that Dex’s spell that was cast was more effective than Walton’s spell slot? If Walton is using his spells effectively, then Walton probably is going to get value from the spell they prepared as well, and likely achieve a similar or exact efficacy as Dex did with their spell, because they are both casting “guaranteed value” spells.

In fact, due to circumstances and potentially miscalculated combat moments, Dex’s options may also be their undoing if they so choose to cast a spell that would not be perfect simply because they have the ability to produce some efficacy in that moment and they believe their adventuring day may end soon (such as casting fear an additional time when an enemy succeeds instead of changing to cantrips or a focus spell). Later Dex could be surprised by an unexpected encounter, and in spending an additional cast earlier due to perceived “efficacy” they left themselves unprepared for later.

Essentially Dex will be given more opportunities to choose right. But because of their spell access in each moment, they may also have more opportunities to choose “less right”, and more than likely they will simply end up making a choice of equal value, because Dex chose spells that always have efficacy and so did Walton.

Cici however just enjoys her day knowing that her choices are her choices and she’s probably gonna have a good time. She can even look forward to heightening spells spontaneously later, which will be a treat the other two spellcasters won’t get to enjoy. She maintains a similar power as both of the other characters simply by casting the best spell she has available at a time that suits her. If spells become less valuable later, she can replace them with spells she does want at those ranks as she levels.

Essentially, these gaps between “ceilings” end up being small. Dex is picking the best rank spells and Walton is picking the same. And in both scenarios, we have rather boring selections. Neither character can attempt to engage in any other aspect of play that isn’t combat related, because they have only prepared combat spells, knowing that the efficacy they will produce is inarguable, while spells that function in narrative may not even come up.

We also demonstrate how “reaching the power ceiling” requires a high system mastery to know what the best spells of each rank are, when to prepare them, etc. This high system mastery makes it difficult for new players to achieve the ceiling.

Now let’s try this comparison again, but this time Dex decides they aren’t getting that much more value by having 3 combat “guaranteed value” spells in a day than if they ran simply one or two of these spells and packing the very handy “illusory object” for a fun character moment that might happen later. Now on Dex’s adventuring day, they have not lost any actual efficacy, even if the scenario with the illusory object never materializes, because they can always rely on one of the other two spells, which have guaranteed efficacy, to be used for the slot in case illusory object never becomes more than a figment of the imagination. 


When you present prepared casters with the option to prepare a group of spells that slots consume on a per rank basis, you don’t actually increase their power ceiling, but you raise their power floor. The power ceiling is easily achievable by any prepared spellcaster by simply picking spells that are “too good to not have value”, but the power floor for those that wish to explore other options on the spell list is raised significantly.

What would the ramifications of such a change be?


  1. For starters, prepared casters actually develop into a very important niche that no other caster can without fear of becoming weaker: preparing narratively focused spells. This is something prepared casters do anyways, but usually at much higher levels through scrolls and lower level slots.
  2. Secondly, it narrows the gap between prepared spellcasting and spontaneous spellcasting. There is one edge that each of these two forms of casting have over each other in the setup. Spontaneous spellcasters still have “Spontaneous Heightening” which is incredibly strong on its own. This is a major advantage over any prepared caster, because choosing to prepare a spell in a higher slot is still a much more cumbersome choice. The edge that prepared casters have is of course breadth of spells known. The breadth gives them wider potential to make riskier choices to know while a sorcerer has to choose spells that at least would have some relevance in their adventuring career, even if occasionally a more niche choice. This versatility is on par with the versatility of the slot expenditure from Spontaneous Heightening.
  3. Lastly, the main achievement is new players and players with moderate system mastery can simply choose a few “old reliable” options while keeping a wide array of other options within their grasp during actual play. Allowing the selection of other spells that aren’t “guaranteed value” and less punishing play for “choosing wrong”. This raises the skill floor, power floor, and does not move the power ceiling of the class, since the power ceiling is relatively easy to approach with “guaranteed value” spell selections. This is also good for experienced players, because now experienced players are encouraged to engage with lesser used or niche spells by proxy. This by extension means they will look for “maximum value” in their other selections as much as they would have for their “guaranteed value” selections, and thus make for more interesting moments at the table through spells that would normally never make it into daily preparation.

That’s my case for how it could improve the game to give Wizard this form of flexible casting(lite). It pushes Wizard and Sorcerer further apart into their respective niches while leaving each more than capable of handling an adventuring day. Sorcerer’s have spontaneous heightening, and Wizards have the ability to pull out some interesting pocket picks that could change a whole moment.

Spell diversity goes up, which means play becomes more diverse, which helps combat stagnation, boredom, and keeps things fresh.



*Cleric or Druid “know” every spell of a rank, so for these two classes, I do not think the above casting is necessary as much as it would be appropriate for Wizard (and potentially Witch). With that said, it is much easier on new players and develops the same changes in behaviors as the above examples.


PaizoCon 2024 Bundle and Classes+ vote!


Team+’s MAY OF MADNESS continues! We’re here to hit you with a double whammy! First off, Pathfinder Infinite is having massive sales right now, with up to 40% off our books! And you know what we said?

20% ISN’T ENOUGH! Say hello to Bundle+ Paizocon ’24, which sells EVERY Team+ book so far for $50– and then even greater discounts if you already own any of our books! Plus, it comes with an exclusive poster for you to download, and maybe print off, to hell with it, I can’t control you!

On top of that, a greater beast awaits in its lair.

IT’S TIME TO START CAMPAIGNING FOR OUR NEXT CLASSES+ BOOK! Gentlefriends, on May 24th, the next Classes+ vote will begin. I have here a list of candidates; these classes give some ideas as to what we’re planning with them, and what you can expect from our next Classes+ vote. Start MEMEING! Start telling FRIENDS!

Rally your tables, bring them here to the server! Make the discord your BATTLEGROUND! FIGHTERS+ MUST BECOME REAL!

Remember, on May 25th, Safe Haven: A Weird West Tale launches! On top of that, we’ll have some brand new Patreon news that’s sure to tickle your green thumbs on the 24th, too. That’s it! Let the bloodfest BEGIN!

Start Voting Here

Go all out on Fam+ with the bundle